As part of their training in ENG 328: Writing Center Theory and Practice, each WC Undergraduate Tutor develops a research project that examines issues related to writing pedagogy, theory, and/or practice. Tutors are individually mentored by faculty members and encouraged to adapt and extend their research projects for presentation at regional and national/international professional and academic conferences.
Conference Presentations by Tutors
- "You Think You Can't Write? SEW(S) WAT?" Bridget Farrell (English Secondary Education '25)
- "How Writing Tutors Can Empower Students," David Moretti (English '25)
- "The Neurology of Adult ADHD and its Impact on the Writing Process," Kayla Thuel (English Secondary Education '25)
Presented at University Research Day, The Catholic University of America, April 2024.
- “Reimagining Inclusion: A Look at Student Perceptions of the Writing Center at a Private University,” Felipe Avila (Nursing '26)
- “Robots in the Writing Center: Examining the Ethics of AI Service to Students and Tutors,” Amelia Bamsey (Economics '26)
- “Supporting Neurodivergent Writers and Tutors in the Writing Center," Caden O’Neal (Philosophy '23) and Delia Murphy (Psychological and Brain Sciences '24)
- “It’s Important to Write, Right?: A Study of the Relationship between Marketing Students and Professors on the Importance of Practicing and Improving Writing Skills," Bridget Guinee (English '23)
- “What Makes a Successful Social Media Campaign for a University Organization?" Nicole Cicippio (English '23)
Presented at University Research Day, The Catholic University of America, April 2022.
- "The Writing Center’s Lack of Focus: Tutoring Students with ADHD," Elizabeth Hughes (English/Philosophy '21)
- "Supporting Success: A Study of Motivation and First Year Student Usage of the Writing Center," Anna Stephens (English Secondary Ed. '21)
- "Introducing English Language Learners to English Academic Discourse: Strategies in the Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Writing," Marie Erickson (English Secondary Ed. '20)
- "Creative Writing / Creative Writing Centers," Joseph Rose (English '20) with Dr. Brian Chappell (Ph.D. 'English '15)
Presented at the 2019 Joint Conference of the International Writing Center Association and National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, October 16-19.
- "Measures of Success: The Effect of Writing Center Sessions on Client Writing Apprehension and Self-Efficacy," Peter Varga (Psychology '19)
- "Undergraduate Tutors and Gender: Research and Training," Rachel de Rosset (English '19)
Presented at the 2018 International Writing Centers Association Conference, October 11-13.
- "Age Dynamics within the Writing Center," Emma Scandole (Mechanical Engineering '19)
- "Positive Feedback in the Catholic University of America Writing Center," Elena Perkins (English '18)
- "Fostering Motivation in the Writing Center," Catherine Broshek (Psychology '18)
Presented at the 2017 National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, October 12-14.
- "Narrowing the Focus for Greater Inclusivity?: Rewards and Challenges of Targeting Specific Student Populations," Rebecca McCarron (History '17) and Rachel Moore (English '17)
Presented at the 2016 National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, November 4-6.
- "Talking Back: Gender and Participation in a Tutorial," Samantha Aurilia (History/Media Studies '16)
- "A Toolbox for Better Brainstorming," Michaela Shea (English '16)
- "Empathetic Tendencies: Cultivating Empathy in Writing Center Tutorials and Training," Katharine Werthwine (English '16), with Dr. Taryn L. Okuma, Theresa Merrick (Kansas State U.), Maria Ruiz (Kansas State U.), and Dr. Matthew Capdevielle (U. of Notre Dame)
- "Depositing the University: Words, Multi-Word Units, and Academic Language Acquisition in the Writing Center," Lucas Matheson (Art History/Philosophy '16)
Presented at the 2015 National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, November 5-8.
- “Religious Mission in/and the Writing Center,” Audra Nakas (Psychology/Politics '15), Tyler Lomnitzer (English '15), and Erik Gravel (M.A. English '14)
- “Thinking, Writing, and Tutoring Creatively: Applying ‘Theory of Mind’ to Revision in the Writing Center,” Alex Sniatkowski (English '15)
Presented at the 2014 Joint Conference of the International Writing Center Association and National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, October 30-November 1.
- “Writing, Talking, Stating: Discourse as/in Action in Writing Centers,” Eva-Maria Ghelardi (History '14), Sullivan Maciag (History '13), and Alex Sniatkowski (English '15)
Presented at the 2014 Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Salisbury University, April 4-5.
Testimonials from Writing Center Undergraduate Tutors
"My own writing and mark as a person have grown because of my involvement in the program. I find it a great credit to the program that, having graduated this May, the thing I’ll miss most about CUA (besides the people) is the Writing Center."