Dr. Kevin Rulo is an Assistant Professor of English and serves as both the Director of the Writing & Rhetoric Program and the Director of the University Writing Center. He specializes in transatlantic 20th century literature, especially the relationship between modernism and satire. He is currently serving as co-editor of the T.S. Eliot Studies Annual.
His recent book, Satiric Modernism, examines the flourishing of satiric theory and practice in experimental literature and art from the previous century to the present. Additionally, his research and teaching expertise includes writing studies and writing centers, with recent and forthcoming work on writing instruction for nursing graduate students and on the history of the essay.
As Director of the Writing and Rhetoric Program, Dr. Rulo teaches, mentors, and oversees the English Department’s doctoral teaching fellows in their instruction in Writing and Rhetoric and a variety of other writing and literature courses.
As Director of the Writing Center, Dr. Rulo strives to strengthen the writing environment of the university and to create a positive atmosphere for the development of writers of all levels. (The Writing Center can help students with papers at all stages of the writing process. For more information, please see the website.)
As Associate Dean of Academic Support, Dr. Rulo oversees the Tutoring Center, the Math Center, and the coordination of academic support services.
Dr. Rulo currently serves as the Director of the Writing & Rhetoric Program, the Director of the University Writing Center, and the University's Associate Dean of Academic Support.
The International T.S. Eliot Society's 2015 Fathman Award