Dr. Winslow founded and directed the National Capital Area Writing Project from 1982 to 1990; served as Acting Director of the Undergraduate English Program in 1990 to 1991; served as Graduate Director in 1991-1992; and served as Undergraduate Program Rhetoric and Composition Director from 1992-2003.Dr. Winslow’s published research has focused on meter and prosody in the work of Walt Whitman, T.S. Eliot, and William Carlos Williams, includes contributions to the Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (4th edition), and articles on classical rhetoric, business and technical writing, developmental writing, teaching writing, and American poets.
Published poetry by Dr. Winslow includes the collection Green Bodies (The Word Works Press, 2007); in journals (e.g., Innisfree, Beltway Journal, Poet Lore, The Southern Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review) ; and anthologies (e.g., Voices from Frost Place II, Beloved on the Earth; The Heart of All That Is; the why and later; Women Write Resistance).
Dr. Winslow has received the Larry Neal Award for Poetry three times and Writer's Fellowships from the DC Commission for the Arts and The Vermont Studio Center