News and Announcements
EGO Election and Call for Nominations:
EGO is currently accepting nominations for four committee positions for Spring/Fall 2020: Vice President, Events Coordinator, PhD Representative, and MA Representative. If you haven't already done so, please consider making recommendations for all open positions listed below and submit them to Monica Schroeder ( Voting will begin after Thanksgiving break.
The basic expectation for a committee member is regular attendance at committee meetings, assistance with the organization of committee events, and willingness to serve the English graduate community. More specific responsibilities for the positions are as follows:
The Vice President will run meetings in the event of the President's absence. The Vice President will act as the primary point of contact between EGO and the faculty, and s/he will organize the EGO Research Colloquium. (2 year position)
The Events Coordinator will help organize (and delegate committees to organize) all EGO social events, in addition to other select events. The PhD rep will assist the Events Coordinator as needed, particularly with regard to advertising. (2 year position)
The Ph.D. representative will advocate for the interests of Ph.D. students at the executive committee meetings. This may involve administering surveys and collecting information and feedback from the graduate student body as needed. S/he will also assist the Events Coordinator by advertising EGO events and by serving in other capacities as needed. (1 year position)
The MA representative will advocate for the interests of MA students at the executive committee meetings. This may involve administering surveys and collecting information and feedback from the graduate student body as needed. S/he will also assist the Events Coordinator by advertising EGO events and by serving in other capacities as needed. (1 year position)
We strongly encourage participation in EGO at some point in your academic career at Catholic University. Service is an essential part of any academic career, both during graduate school and beyond, and I am sure that former EGO members would agree with me when I say that serving on EGO is a rewarding and enjoyable experience. We’d love to have you.

EGO Christmas Party:
Celebrate the end of another successful semester and join EGO for our annual Christmas party!
Date: December 6
Time: 5pm
Place: TBD
Food: Tacos provided by Cielo Rojo Taco; B.Y.O.B
Other: Board games strongly encouraged; family and friends welcome; joy and revelry mandatory