Anne M. O'Donnell, S.N.D. Headshot


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  • Tyndale
  • Anne M. O’Donnell S.N.D, Founding Editor of the Tyndale Project, attended the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference in New Orleans 16-19 October 2014.

    Susan Felch, CUA Ph. D. (1991) and Executive Editor of the Independent Works of William Tyndale, chaired a half-day meeting. After Sr. Anne’s presentation on the history of the Tyndale Project, the new editors discussed their work: J. Christopher Warner (LeMoyne College), The Exposition of 1 John and The Exposition of Matthew 5, 6, and 7 with Tibor Fabiny (Károli Gáspár University, Budapest) as theological co-editor; Susan Felch (Calvin College) and Clare Costley King'oo (University of Connecticut), The Obedience of a Christian Man; Cathy Schrank (University of Sheffield), The Parable of the Wicked Mammon; Gergely Juhasz (Liverpool-Hope University), the biblical prefaces and other short pieces; unable to be present, Mark Rankin (James Madison University), The Practice of Prelates. The Tyndale editors also gave papers and conducted a roundtable discussion.

    Sessions were held at two hotels in the French Quarter. On Sunday Sr. Anne and a friend went to Mass at St. Louis Cathedral and took a bus tour, passing Tulane and Loyola Universities. Sr. Anne stayed with the Holy Cross Sisters in Bywater. They recounted their experiences of Hurricane Katrina and gave her a tour of the Lower 9th Ward.

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    Woodrow Wilson, 1962; American Association of University Women, 1969