To serve on the Student Editorial Board for Vermilion, students must be able to enroll in the associated course. ENG 220: Literary Magazine Production I is focused on publishing the Winter issue of Vermilion, while ENG 221: Literary Magazine Production II is focused on the Spring issue. Students do not need to take the courses in any order.
ENG 220/221 is a one-semester course focused on the production of the English department's official online magazine for literature and the arts. Advised by Faculty Editors, students in the course will serve as the Student Editorial Board for the magazine and assume primary responsibility for selecting, editing, and publishing material for the magazine. Work on the magazine and website will provide students with real-world experience in the professional fields of publishing and editing.
The work of the class includes the practical work of planning and publishing the online magazine, producing publication-quality creative work as writing assignments, engaging in class writing workshops and editing sessions, and planning and executing events related to the magazine. In addition, students will meet with a variety of professionals who work in the fields of creative writing and publishing.