EGO is excited to announce an upcoming research colloquium:

December 4th at 3pm (Zoom): Hannah Bormann
"Daughters of Eve: Women's Speech, Intelligence, and Virtue in Early Modern England"

This project is derived from Chapter 2 of Hannah's dissertation, which "focuses on women's contributions to the polemical debates of the early 17th century, examining in particular their defenses of Eve and how they use a redefined Eve to argue for women's virtue and right to be more firmly in the public sphere."

Hannah is particularly interested in receiving feedback on the chapter's structure, as well as notes concerning the introductory and contextualizing material.

The primary readers will be Matt Steinhafel and Kristin Lord, but all are encouraged to attend and offer feedback.

The research colloquium is a community event to support and respond to each other's research.

If you have questions or would like to submit your paper to EGO for future colloquia meetings, please email Fletcher Bonin at