Open for Finals Week:
The Writing Center is currently open and will remain open for finals week with our normal operating hours: Monday thru Thursday, 10a-8p; Friday, 10a-5p; Saturday, 11a-2p; and Sunday, 6-9p. We will close on Friday, December 11 at 5pm and will remain closed thereafter for the duration of Christmas/Winter break. Appointments can be made via our website as usual (please see below for detailed instructions).Video Featuring Grad Instructors and Undergrad Tutors:
Want to learn more about the Writing Center and meet some of our staff? Check out our new promotional video!
Scheduling Synchronous Virtual Appointments:
Use the “Make an Appointment with the Writing Center” link on our homepage. That will take you to your Cardinal Success page, where you can click on the blue "Get Assistance" button in the upper right corner of the page. You will then need to answer a few questions:- What type of appointment would you like to schedule? Academic Support
- Please select the type of support you need: Writing Center Appointment
- Please select a service: Choose from the given options, the one that best describes your writing project.
- What location do you prefer? Mullen Library
- Who would you like to meet with? Choose one or more tutors to view their availability or leave blank to view all the tutors' availability.
Scheduling Asynchronous Virtual Appointments:
Use the “Make an Appointment with the Writing Center” link on our homepage. That will take you to your Cardinal Success page, where you can click on the blue "Get Assistance" button in the upper right corner of the page. You will then need to answer a few questions:- What type of appointment would you like to schedule? Academic Support
- Please select the type of support you need: Writing Center Appointment Asynchronous
- Please select a service: Choose from the given options, the one that best describes your writing project.
- What location do you prefer? Mullen Library
- Who would you like to meet with? Choose one or more tutors to view their availability or leave blank to view all the tutors' availability.
Kevin Rulo
Clinical Assistant Professor, English
Director, University Writing Center