Just one last gentle reminder about the return of Catholic University's Irish Summer Institute this coming May!
The Irish Summer Institute is open to all enrolled students at Catholic University, both undergraduate and graduate. While abroad students are enrolled in two classes, ENG 305 /DR 576 - Shakespeare to Sheridan: The Irish in the Theatre, 1600-1775, and IRSH 110 - Irish Language and Culture. These classes are taught respectively by professors Patrick Tuite and Jennifer O'Riordan. More information on how to apply (including a tentative syllabus of activities) can be found at this link at CUAbroad.
I should add that this year those of us among the Irish studies faculty are especially eager to award a number of very generous tuition scholarships to students for this program. We would like to send some of you abroad at our expense! Applications for tuition scholarships can be found at this link. The deadline for scholarship applications is coming up later this month on February 24th 2022. Apply! I also encourage all students to reach out to me at bakerg@cua.edu if questions or concerns about the program or the application process come up.
Dr. Gregory Baker
Director of Irish Studies
Assistant Professor of English
Photo credit: Gregory Baker