News, Publications, and Presentations
Two undergraduate English majors presented papers at the 4th Annual Braniff Undergraduate Conference in the Liberal Arts at the University of Dallas, February 5, 2022. Renee Rasmussen (B.A. English '23) presented “Mary as Queen Mother in Scripture and Art” and Javier Mazariegos (B.A. English & Philosophy '23) presented “God’s Grandeur through Man’s Smudge: Hopkin’s Portrait of Salvation History.”
Victoria Scrimer (lecturer) successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation, "Beyond Resistance: Performing Postdramatic Protest" at the University of Maryland.
Dr. Gregory Baker published a monograph, Classics and Celtic Literary Modernism: Yeats, Joyce, MacDiarmid and Jones (Cambridge University Press, 2022). Dr. Baker has also been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, effective September 1st.
Reading Together: Four Quartets

Join English faculty as they discuss works of literature that have challenged and inspired them as readers, scholars, and teachers. Each "Reading Together" session will feature faculty in conversation and open up to a wider conversation with attendees - our hope is that we can think about, question, discuss, and read these poems and stories together. This spring we will be continuing our discussion about T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets.
All sessions will take place in-person only and are free and open to the public.
March 14th, 8-9:30pm: "Little Gidding"
With Dr. Daniel Gibbons, Dr. Tobias Gregory, and Mr. Ryan Wilson. Location: Aquinas 102.
"Reading Together" is co-sponsored by English Society and Vermilion.
Internship Opportunities
The Modern Language Association is seeking a summer Bibliographic Database Intern (paid). Application deadline is March 25th.
Phi Beta Kappa is seeking Writing Interns for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 (stipend). Applicants must be new members of Phi Beta Kappa within their first or second year to be considered for this position. Application deadlines are June 17, 2022 and November 4, 2022.
The English Department is pleased to offer Catholic University students at the junior or senior level the opportunity to apply for unique fall internships with The Association of Literary Critics, Scholars, and Writers and The Catholic University of America Press. If you have an interest in literary studies, higher education, graduate school, and/or publishing, consider applying for the fall semester! More information can be found on the English Department Internship page.
MBS Events
"Living Stones: Baptismal Fonts and Social Memory in the Middle Ages," an opening keynote address by Dr. Carolyn Twomey to ‘Remembering and Reimaging in the Middle Ages’: a Graduate Student Conference
March 3rd, 5:15pm, in McGivney Hall 106. Light reception to follow. Please Register on the Conference Website or use the Google Form.
Dr. Carolyn Twomey is Visiting Assistant Professor of European History at St. Lawrence University. Her research and teaching focuses on the history and material culture of baptism in the early Middle Ages and more broadly on cultural and religious exchange during the medieval & early modern period, especially the rituals and material objects of conversion. Dr. Twomey received a B.A. in Medieval & Byzantine Studies and English Literature from the Catholic University of America, an interdisciplinary M.A. in Medieval Studies at the University of York, and a Ph.D. from Boston College in 2017.
"Casting Saints: Remembering and Remaking Medieval Material Culture at Canterbury"
A hands-on experimental archaeology workshop by Dr. Carolyn Twomey. Participants will cast pilgrimage badges and learn about the importance of these pieces of material culture to medieval memory.
March 4th, 1–2:30pm in Maloney Hall Courtyard. *Space for this event is limited to 20 participants* Please Register on the Conference Website or use the Google Form.
Creative Writing Workshop
Please join the staff of Vermilion for a creative writing workshop on Thursday, March 24th from 7-8pm in Pryzbyla 321! This workshop is open to all students at Catholic U who are looking for a place to share their creative writing with others and receive peer feedback. Bring any and all kinds of creative work, complete or incomplete! To help everyone in the workshop give feedback, please share your piece with the email before the workshop. Be a part of Vermilion’s work to cultivate a creative writing community at Catholic U!