The English Department is excited to announce that the Writing & Rhetoric Minor is now the Writing Minor. Formerly overseen by Media Studies & Communications, the Writing Minor will now be overseen by the English Department and administered by Dr. Kevin Rulo, Director of the Writing Program.
The Minor in Writing is an interdisciplinary program consisting of six total courses. The courses in the minor allow students who want to pursue a creative writing emphasis to select courses that provide a foundation in literary form and craft. Students can also pursue a professional writing and editing emphasis or create a course of study that combines creative and professional writing, publishing, and editing.
Select six of the following courses:
- DR 461: Writing for Television
- DR 466: Screenwriting
- DR 467: Playwriting I
- ENG 220: Literary Magazine Production
- ENG 221: Literary Magazine Production II
- ENG 300: Introduction to Creative Writing
- ENG 301: Creative Writing: Fiction
- ENG 302: Creative Writing: Poetry
- ENG 325: Contemporary English Grammar
- ENG 326: Workshop: Writing Improvement
- ENG 327: Argumentative Writing
- ENG 328: Writing Center Theory & Practice
- ENG 330: Memoir
- MDIA 330: Introduction to Journalism
- MDIA 333: Advanced Journalism
- MDIA 338/POL 338: Art of the Interview
- MDIA 349: Reporting Methods for Informed Civic Participation
- UGS/HSLS 328: Undergraduate Research Journal Production
- PHIL 301: Reasoning and Argumentation
- PHIL 315: Philosophy of Language
- Students can also apply to have up to 2 internship/research apprenticeship/independent study courses counted towards the minor if the majority of their duties/assignments are directly related to writing and/or editing.
- English majors may take the third genre course (ENG 331/332/333) to count towards the Writing minor