An invitation to undergraduate students
Serving on the student editorial board of Inventio, the undergraduate interdisciplinary research journal at Catholic University, has made my college life very meaningful. By working alongside bright and motivated peers, I am assured that our journal gives a public witness to the value of our communal learning and personal study. I am convinced that sharing the brilliance of Catholic University undergraduates makes everyone proud to call this place our college home. Additionally, working on Inventio is very fun. It is truly a journal run by students, and everyone on the team has developed wonderful leadership skills and friendships.I would highly encourage any student interested in our work to apply for a position on the Student Editorial Board. It is a decision that not a single student has regretted. And along with this, I would encourage any student to reach out and talk to any current SEB member, for their stories are perhaps the most convincing.
Javier Mazariegos (B.A. English & Philosophy ‘23)
Editor-in-Chief, Inventio