Introduction to EGO 2020

Dear fellow English graduate students,
Welcome and welcome back! As we begin another exciting semester, some of us for the first time, we’d like to take a moment and introduce our very own English Graduate Organization.
In 2014, English graduate students Chris Pipkin, Brian Chappell, Colleen Weir, Rebecca Vacarro, and Jessica Schnepp came together to form Catholic University’s first English Graduate Organization. The purpose of the organization, or EGO as it soon came to be called, was to provide English graduate students with a more vibrant community. From Christmas parties and faculty brown bag lunches to research colloquia and peer mentoring, EGO supported student development, both socially and professionally. Since then, EGO has continued to develop, and while the organization has changed in some ways, its goal has remained ultimately the same: to support graduate students through the rewarding yet arduous process of English graduate school. Today, EGO is led by Monica Schroeder (President Emerita), Fletcher Bonin (Vice President), Emily Grace (Events Coordinator), and Rachel Daly (Treasurer and Graduate Student Association Representative). We feel grateful to continue fostering a spirit of support and collegiality within the department and we look forward to serving you throughout the upcoming school year.
During this ongoing pandemic, EGO’s place looks slightly different than it has in previous years, but we are still committed to fostering both professional and social connections within the department and the CUA community as a whole. We still plan to host Research Colloquia, create mentorship pairs to help new graduate students acclimate to the department, and organize social gatherings throughout the semester. A list of some of our upcoming events can be found below.
All EGO positions are elected by the English graduate students, and positions are held for one to two years. Elections will be held in October for two positions, both of which are currently empty: MA Representative and Secretary. If you are interested in serving on EGO and would like further information on our open positions, please let us know. Service is an essential part of any academic career, both during graduate school and beyond, and I am sure that former EGO members would agree with me when I say that serving on EGO is a rewarding and enjoyable experience. We’d love to have you.
We look forward to another fantastic year, and we thank you for your interest and support.
As ever, we remain yours, EGO.
Monica Schroeder, President Emerita
Fletcher Bonin, Vice President
Emily Grace, Events Coordinator
Rachel Daly, Treasurer and GSA Representative