Contemporary Catholic Writers Reading Series

Due to COVID-19, all CCW events are postponed. Their time and location are TBD.

Inspired by Dana Gioia’s essay “The Catholic Writer Today” (First Things, 2013) and the myriad responses it has evoked since its publication, the Catholic University Contemporary Catholic Writers Reading Series was founded in 2015 to raise awareness and appreciation of literary works by living Catholic writers and to engage the Catholic University community in the current broader conversation regarding the future of the Catholic literary imagination. While the group gives special attention to American Catholic writers, it also includes occasional selections of international writers and works in translation. A few times each year, the group also complements this primary focus on contemporary Catholic literature with discussions of past Catholic writers and of current (non-Catholic) writers who deal with questions of faith.

An English graduate student initiative, this reading and discussion group is sponsored by the English department and is open to Catholic University graduate students, faculty, and undergraduates, as well as members of the local community — Catholic and non-Catholic alike — who are interested in the relationship between literature and faith. Meetings are held on a monthly basis during the academic year. Guest lectures, poetry readings, and other literary events are held throughout the year and are free and open to the public.

Subscribe to the CCW email list here to receive notifications about upcoming events and book discussions. Events are also published on Facebook and The Nest. Follow us on Instagram (@contemporary_catholic_writers) or Twitter (@WritersCatholic). Our Podcast, which has audio recordings of our live events, can be found and patronized through Patreon. If you have questions or comments, please contact Jessica Schnepp at


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