News, Publications, and Presentations
Emily McBryan (PhD Candidate) presented a paper on “The Art of Narrative: A Therapeutic for Saving the Self” as part of panel on Art and Storytelling at the University of Notre Dame and de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture’s Fall Conference: “‘I Have Called You By Name’: Human Dignity in a Secular World” in November 2021.
Ryan Wilson's poem, "Christmas Party," was published in the December issue of First Things, and his poem "Windy October Night, Waterside," was published in the Fall issue of The Hopkins Review.
The English Department was recognized by the School of Arts and Sciences this fall with two awards: Dr. Ernest Suarez was named the inaugural recipient of the Griffith-Rousseau Award for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences and Dr. Taryn Okuma received the inaugural John Convey Award for Excellence in Service.
Sister Lucia Treanor, FSE's book, Elwood: the Story of a Catholic World War II Hero, was published by OSV Press on November 5th. Captain Elwood Euart, US Army died while saving six other men as their ship, the President Coolidge, was sinking in the South Pacific. Sister is a writing instructor in the First-Year Experience.
Dr. Jessica Schnepp successfully defended her dissertation, "The Catholic Grotesque: Narrative Structure and Theological Order in Novels by Flannery O'Connor, Walker Percy, Evelyn Waugh, and Anthony Burgess," on November 23, 2021.
Emily Grace's (M.A. '21) interview with Stephen Cushman, “Give Me Both Burdens”: An Interview with Stephen Cushman About the Place of the “Poet-Scholar,” was published in the Fall 2021 issue of Literary Matters.
Dr. S. Beth Newman Ooi's article, "Crossed Lines: Reading a Riddle between Exeter Book Riddle 60 and 'The Husband’s Message,'" was published in Philological Quarterly (vol. 100.1 pp. 1-22).

New Book: Poetic Song Verse
Poetic Song Verse: Blues-Based Popular Music and Poetry by Mike Mattison & Ernest Suarez was published by University of Mississippi Press in November.
The Spotify playlist for the book is available via the UMP site and interviews with Mattison and Suarez are available to stream and read from "Keen On" (Lit Hub podcast), elsewhere, Deborah Kalb Books, 360 Magazine, and Compulsive Reader.
Creative Writing Workshop
Wednesday, December 8th
7-8pm, Pryz 327
Vermilion is running the last creative writing workshop of the semester on Wednesday December 8 from 7-8pm in Pryz 327. We invite you to bring a creative piece at any stage of the writing process to discuss. It has been a great joy to be able to interact with some of the creative writers in Catholic's community through the past two workshops, and we hope to get to know more writers through this last workshop. If you are interested in bringing something to discuss, we ask that you email your piece to sometime before the workshop. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
For more information, please visit The Nest.