by Rachel Wood (English and Theology '21), Associate Editor, Inventio
Inventio, the undergraduate research journal of the Catholic University of America, is calling for submissions! All essays to be considered for the Spring 2021 volume are due on May 15, 2020. Publishing in Inventio provides students with an excellent opportunity to hone their writing with the help of copy editors and showcase their research. Original research in the fields of theology, philosophy, the humanities, the fine arts, and the social sciences will be considered for publication. Essays must be submitted anonymously, use Chicago Style citations, and include an abstract. The submission form and further guidelines are available online.
Catholic University students are also invited to apply for a position on the 2020-21 Inventio Student Editorial Board (SEB). The SEB is responsible for every step of the journal's publication process and includes opportunities to develop skills in copy editing, website development, marketing, digital layout, and more. Visit the journal website to view what positions are open on the 2020-21 SEB and access application materials. Applications to the SEB are due on Oct. 15, 2020.
The Inventio Student Editorial Board was proud to release Inventio Volume 5, Issue 1, on University Research Day. While the print edition could not be distributed, the journal was released via newsletter and can also be read online. The volume contains exemplary student research on topics ranging from Beatlemania to G. K. Chesterton to climate change policy in India. Also featured are two essays by Phi Beta Kappa First Year Experience Prize Winner, Graham Fassero. Print editions of Volume 5, Issue 1 will be distributed in the fall.
To hear updates about the journal and learn about progress of Volume 5, Issue 2, subscribe to the Inventio newsletter and follow Inventio on Facebook (@inventio.cua) and Twitter (@CuaInventio).