Writing Center instructor and student
The 2018-2019 academic year marked another banner year for the University Writing Center.

We held over 3,980 individual sessions, working with students across the curriculum, from the freshman drafting his FYE Philosophy paper to the doctoral candidate in revising her dissertation.

We completed more than 180 outreach visits, which includes short visits to classes, workshops in collaboration with courses and programs, and initiatives across the campus community with various student groups and events.

The quality of our sessions is indicated by these strong numbers, but also by our impressive return rate (the large majority of our clientele are repeat visitors). Our feedback surveys report that 94% of respondents indicate that they will return to the Center.

We held also in early June our annual Writing Center Dissertation Boot Camp sponsored by GSA, a week of high productivity for 16 dissertators across the curriculum, and we continued our strong support of our graduate student writers through weekend and special workshops and individual sessions.

We are so proud of our undergraduate tutors and our graduate instructors, who year in and year out put in so much time and effort to help support our faculty and our students!

But of course, the challenge of helping writers grow and develop never ends. This year, we have a wonderful new class of first-year students and new writing assignments and projects for students at all levels. We hope you’ll visit us this year for all your writing needs!

Kevin Rulo
Director, University Writing Center
Director, Writing & Rhetoric Program
Clinical Assistant Professor of English