Course Requirements
- ENG 231 and 232 (History of English Literature I and II)
- Two courses from the group ENG 331, 332, and 333 (Intensive Readings in Lyric, Drama, and Narrative)
- ENG 351 or 352 (Chaucer and His Age)
- ENG 461 or 462 (Plays of Shakespeare I and II)
- ENG 431 & 432 (Coordinating Seminar I & II)
- Four other upper-division courses in English or American language and literature
Besides courses in English and American literature numbered 300 and above, two of the following courses carrying lower numbers may be used to fulfill part of the requirement for "four upper-division courses": ENG 235 and 236 (American Literature) and HSHU 203 (University Honors). One upper-division course in writing (e.g., ENG 301, 302, 326, 327) may be included among the courses for the concentration. ENG 331, 332, 333, 431 and 432 are open only to English concentrators.
See complete list of course offerings and course descriptions
A minimum grade point average of 2.5 is required in ENG 231 and 232. Concentrators who have received a grade of C or lower in the 100-level writing course (101, 103, 105) are required to include among their upper-division English offerings a course in expository or argumentative writing (ENG 326 or 327).
English concentrators are required to pass a comprehensive examination given in the first (fall) semester of senior year.
Suggested Sequence of Courses
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Comprehensive Examinations
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